How to install WordPress, PHP, Apache & MySQL on Windows

When developing for WordPress locally on Windows, we need to have Apache, PHP and MySQL installed. There are web development environments available such as EasyPHP or WampServer, but I always prefer to install them manually. The experience you gain from it becomes useful when you encounter a problem with either PHP, Apache, or MySQL database as you will have a better idea where to look for the issues.

Apache : How to Solve port 80 is occupied problem on Windows

The other day I decided to install EasyPHP (a WAMP package that includes PHP, Apache, MySQL) on my machine running Windows 7. After install I ran the application, but to my surprise, Apache server was not working. It complained that Port 80 is used by another application. I thought this issue would be easily solved, but it took me a while to figure out what exactly is causing the problem. In this article I will show you what I tried and how I finally solved the Apache problem of not being able to run.