Substrate: How to install subkey tool

Subkey is a command-line utility for the Substrate framework used to create and manage keys, sign and verify signatures and interact with the keystore file. In this article, we will demonstrate how to build a subkey tool from the source code and then install it so that it is available anywhere in the system.

Remix IDE : Fixing failed deployed contract that uses value

Recently, I started to explore Solidity and was using Remix IDE to learn more about smart contract development. I made a very basic contract and wanted to deploy it with having ether from a testing account, but after setting the value of 1 ether and clicking on the Deploy button, the deployed transaction failed giving me the "VM error: revert" error.

Fixing "Error Connecting to Substrate" message in Substrate Front End Template

I was exploring the Substrate Blockchain the other day and was going through "Create Your First Substrate Chain" tutorial. I was building the Substrate node template on a Linux VPS and after successfully running the node and starting the Substrate Front End Template, the front-end was not accessible when trying to connect to it from my browser remotely as I was getting the "Error Connecting to Substrate [object Event]" error message.