How to create a JavaScript project in VS Code

When learning about front-end web development, it might be better to learn the basics of JavaScript first before jumping to more complex frameworks and libraries like React or Vue. VS Code is a popular, open-sourced lightweight code editor and in this post, we will create an empty JavaScript project using Visual Studio Code and it can be used as a basis for building more complex web apps.

How to create a simple web page that uses JavaScript

When trying to learn or improve JavaScript skills as a web developer, it's a good idea to start with the fundamentals before moving on to more complex frameworks and libraries like Reach or Vue. In this post, we will create a simple web page in which the user enters their name into an input field and the page greets the user after clicking on submit button.

How to create a JavaScript project in Visual Studio

Knowing JavaScript is more or less required when working with front-end web development. One way to learn JavaScript is to start with a simple web project containing an HTML page that uses JavaScript. So, the next question is which IDE or editor to use. In this post, we will create a JavaScript project in Visual Studio IDE. It supports JavaScript IntelliSense with auto-complete suggestions and debugging capabilities.

How to fix VS Code Canvas IntelliSense problem

When working on JavaScript files that use HTML Canvas Context in either VS Code editor or Visual Studio IDE, we might notice that IntelliSense is not able to provide us with the AutoComplete suggestions for the "Canvas Context" type. In this post, we are going to learn two solutions to this problem.

Canvas : How to create a simple particle system in 50 lines

Recently I started to learn how to use canvas HTML5 element and the first thing I tried to do was to draw a small rectangle. Next, I wanted to an add animation loop and move that shape. After that worked, I wanted to add a bunch of them all moving in different directions and this is how my first particle system was born. This article will show you how to create one yourself. The particle system is a pretty basic one. Each particle gets a random color, random direction, and random speed when they are created. After they reach the edge of the canvas, they will bounce off of it.