How to create a JavaScript project in VS Code

When learning about front-end web development, it might be better to learn the basics of JavaScript first before jumping to more complex frameworks and libraries like React or Vue. VS Code is a popular, open-sourced lightweight code editor and in this post, we will create an empty JavaScript project using Visual Studio Code and it can be used as a basis for building more complex web apps.

How to fix VS Code Canvas IntelliSense problem

When working on JavaScript files that use HTML Canvas Context in either VS Code editor or Visual Studio IDE, we might notice that IntelliSense is not able to provide us with the AutoComplete suggestions for the "Canvas Context" type. In this post, we are going to learn two solutions to this problem.

VS Code: How to install Visual Studio Code on Windows

Visual Studio Code or VS Code for short is a very popular, free, and open-sourced code editor. This post will walk you through the process of installing VS Code on Windows System. We'll also quickly talk about creating projects that will be used in Visual Studio Code.