Local Area Network : How to fix slow LAN transfer speed of files in Windows

Recently I had to solve a problem of a very slow transfer of files between two computers on a LAN network using an Ethernet cable. Both machines had Windows 7 x64 installed and the transfer speed was ridiculously slow at 10-15kb/s. Using Task Manager under Networking tab, Network Utilization was showing only around 0.25% for Local Area Connection.

I looked around the web for solutions and found quite a few suggestions on how to tackle this problem. Those that I tried and the one that finally solved my problem are discussed here.

iTunes : How to fix error message that video file cannot be copied to iPod / iPad

I recently bought an iPod Classic and since this iPod has a large capacity, you can easily store movies on it. So I added a .MP4 video file to iTunes and it was able to play the movie without a problem. So I decided to Sync the iPod to add the movie to the device, but to my surprise an Error Message window showed up stating:

...was not copied to the iPod ... because it cannot be played on this iPod

In this article you will learn how to solve this problem in two different ways.

VS : How to solve error - The project file could not be loaded. Could not find a part of the path

I recently rearranged the content of my working folder which is used to store all my coding-related projects. But after doing that I had a problem loading the solution of my WinForm project in Visual Studio as I received an error telling me about a problem with a project file.

The exact error message in the Output window was:

error  : The project file could not be loaded. Could not find a part of the path...

Another way you can encounter this error is if you renamed your project folder and sometimes you can get this error without moving or renaming anything at all. In this article, you will be shown how to solve this problem for all those cases.

Winform : How to create a new popup window using C#

When I started to learn WinForm programming, one thing that I wondered was how to create additional window forms on the already existing Winform Project. For example, I wanted to create a popup window for editing purposes. I knew what code to write that would instantiate a new form but didn't know how to edit that form in the designer.

.NET : How to solve System.Data.Entity.DbContext Compiler Error

Recently I wanted to get a better understanding of what Entity Framework is all about. I looked for the blog posts dedicated to this topic and I found one such post with a concrete example. I was eager to test the code, so I created a project in Visual Studio Express but to my surprise, I was not able to successfully build the project as it gave me System.Data.Entity.DbContext Compilation Error.

It took me a while before I managed to get rid of this annoying error and I want to share the solution that worked for me so that it might also help others with the same issue.

Blogger : How to modify Desktop / Mobile Template

Modifying a template in Blogger is a very powerful feature. It allows you to make significant modifications to your blog which helps your blog to distinguish itself from millions of other blogs. It also gives you the ability to add interactivity to your blog. This article will show how to achieve that for both Desktop and Mobile Template.

Some cases which require modifications of the template: