Open-Live-Writer : How to solve invalid response from XmlRpc server error

When writing drafts for my blog posts, I prefer to use offline blog authoring editors. First, I used Windows Live Writer, part of Windows Essential, but after it reached the end of support in 2017, I installed PHP, Apache, MySQL on my local machine, to publish the drafts to my local WordPress site for further processing. The problem was that the "Open Live Writer" was not letting me add a blog account. It was giving me an error message about Invalid Server Response. In this article, I will show you what I tried and what fixed the issue.

qTranslate-X : How to customize image Flags for Language Menu

The qTranslate-X is a free popular plugin that adds support for multiple languages on a WordPress site. I really like it, but the only issue I have with it is that the default image flags for the Language Menu are not that good. In this article, I will first show you different types of Language Switching Menu we can choose from and the two ways we can display them. Finally, we are going to replace those default images with our own.

Telerik-Kendo-UI : How to force exported PDF to open in a browser

Recently, I was experimenting with Telerik Kendo UI HTML Framework and in particular, I was exploring the PDF Export feature that allows you to convert HTML content into a PDF. I wanted for generated PDF to open in a new browser tab, but all the examples I found on the web worked in such a way that the file was downloaded on your computer. After a little research, I was able to find the solution that makes the PDF open in the browser in a new tab and this is the focus of this tutorial.

SQL : How to use SQL Profiler with SQL Server Express Edition

SQL Server Express is a free edition of Microsoft SQL Server family that although fully functional, it has some technical limitations like maximum database size per database. It also has some features missing from paid editions. One of those features not available with Express edition is SQL Profiler. In this post I will list the alternative tools for SQL Profiling that can be used with either SQL Server Express or can be used as the SQL Express replacement.

How to prevent detected Phone Numbers turning into links in Edge browser

Microsoft Edge browser for Windows 10 has many features, but one of them may cause problems. This feature overrides the original style of telephone numbers with its own style. It also automatically adds clickable links, sometimes even to data not representing phone numbers. I encountered this issue recently and this article will show the solution to the problem.

Blogger : How to modify Pages widget / gadget for mobile template

When you want to add some external links to your sidebar for your Blogger website, you can use the Pages widget/gadget for that purpose. The problem with this gadget is the way it is displayed for mobile devices. It is displayed as a dropdown menu containing the links, which might not be what you want. In this article, I will show you how to modify the template code for the Pages gadget, so that it is displayed the same way as in the desktop version.

Canvas : How to create a simple particle system in 50 lines

Recently I started to learn how to use canvas HTML5 element and the first thing I tried to do was to draw a small rectangle. Next, I wanted to an add animation loop and move that shape. After that worked, I wanted to add a bunch of them all moving in different directions and this is how my first particle system was born. This article will show you how to create one yourself. The particle system is a pretty basic one. Each particle gets a random color, random direction, and random speed when they are created. After they reach the edge of the canvas, they will bounce off of it.