How to install WordPress, PHP, Apache & MySQL on Windows

When developing for WordPress locally on Windows, we need to have Apache, PHP and MySQL installed. There are web development environments available such as EasyPHP or WampServer, but I always prefer to install them manually. The experience you gain from it becomes useful when you encounter a problem with either PHP, Apache, or MySQL database as you will have a better idea where to look for the issues.

Fixing "Error Connecting to Substrate" message in Substrate Front End Template

I was exploring the Substrate Blockchain the other day and was going through "Create Your First Substrate Chain" tutorial. I was building the Substrate node template on a Linux VPS and after successfully running the node and starting the Substrate Front End Template, the front-end was not accessible when trying to connect to it from my browser remotely as I was getting the "Error Connecting to Substrate [object Event]" error message.

Rust : Solving `()` doesn't implement `std::fmt::Display` error in Closure

Recently, I have started to learn Rust programming language and while making a simple example that uses a closure, I came across a compile error that was not very informative. It was telling me that `()` doesn't implement `std::fmt::Display`. This post will show the code causing the error, what the error means, and the solution to the error.

Visual Studio : Using Publish tool on the ASP.NET Core Web App Project

After we create the ASP.NET Core application in Visual Studio, we can use the Visual Studio Publish Tool to create binaries and other set of files that are nedeed to deploy and run our app. The tool supports different publishing methods, such as folder and FTP among others. In this article, we are going to show how to publish ASP.NET Core 3.1 Web App binaries to a local folder.

WordPress : How to fix critical error on your website during install

The other day, I was in the process of installing a WordPress website locally on Windows, so I set up everything necessary and ran the WordPress installation page step by step. In the final step, after clicking Install WordPress button, the page was loading for a while and then an error message showed up telling me about the critical error on your website. In this article, I will show you how I found the cause of the issue and how I fixed it.

Visual Studio : How to convert JSON to a C# class using Paste Special

Recently, I wanted to create a C# project where I would process the JSON response from the cryptocurrency-related API endpoints. I was wondering what was the best way to quickly create a strongly typed model class from a JSON object and if there is a way to generate this automatically from the JSON data instead of writing the model class manually. It turns out there is and in this article, we are going to examine two solutions for this problem.