WordPress : Preventing Quotes to break when Copy/Pasting Code Syntax

Recently, I was writing an article containing programming code on the WordPress website. The code had single and double quotes in it and noticed that when I did Copy and Paste from the article into a code editor and then try to run the code, it threw syntax errors. It turned out that WordPress was automatically changing some characters when displaying the code syntax. In this article, we will learn how to make sure that the "Copy and Paste" of quotes work without a problem.

SSMS : How to fix SQL Server Management Studio not opening problem

Recently, I installed the SQL Server Management Studio 18 (SSMS) and after just one use, it didn't want to start anymore. The SQL Server Management Studio stopped loading after the splash screen showing up for a brief moment and no messages appeared to show me what was wrong, except for Windows playing the default beep sound notifying me of a problem. In this article, I will show you how I solved this issue.

Python : How to fix Unexpected UTF-8 BOM error when using json.loads

With Python, it is a really easy to retrieve data from 3rd party API services, so I made a script for this purpose. The script worked without any issue for many different API URLs, but recently, when I wanted to load the server content response from a specific API URL into json.loads method, it threw an "Unexpected UTF-8 BOM" error. In this article, we will examine what the error means and various ways to solve it.

ASP.NET MVC : How to fix razor view error - type or namespace could not be found

Recently, I was working on an ASP.NET MVC project using Visual Studio and the web project had strongly-typed views that were using model classes located in another class project in the same solution. The project itself got built successfully and was running fine until it tried to show those views, it returned the Compilation Error saying that the type or namespace name could not be found. In this article, I will show you what I tried and how I finally solved the problem.

VS : How to solve Could not load file or assembly Newtonsoft.Json error

I was working on my ASP.NET MVC application recently and I needed to do some serialization/deserialization work on JSON data. I chose to use Json.NET, a very popular JSON framework for .NET. The problem was that when I ran the application, I was getting an exception telling me that the Newtonsoft.Json could not be loaded due to the assembly's manifest definition not matching the assembly reference. In this article, I will show you what I tried and how I managed to solve the problem.

MySQL : How to fix Can't connect to MySQL server on localhost 10061 error

A few months ago, when I installed MySQL server on Windows 10 to run WordPress locally, I chose to have the database files on my main SSD drive. As it was slowly filling up, I decided to migrate the MySQL database files to another drive. I assumed all I needed to do is to update a path for datadir option in my.ini configuration file, but that didn't work. After the database location move, starting the MySQL server gave me the 10061 error "Can't connect to MySQL server" error. Luckily, the fix was quite simple.